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CloudUSB Computer > Howto configure it

Howto configure it

The CloudUSB needs to be configured before you use it. The steps you need to accomplish are the following:
  • Boot the CloudUSB key: the first time the boot will be somewhat slower because it has to initialize the persistent data partition
  • After the boot, change the password! The default login username and password are both “cloudusb”. You need to change the password to keep your privacy! The password you use to login will be the same used to crypt your sensitive data, so choose a good password!
  • Reboot the system to verify that you correctly set the password and everything is OK
  • Run the script you find in the desktop (click on it and select Run): this will download the Dropbox client (you need to be connected to internet to accomplish this step!) and install it. If you have an account, use it, otherwise create a new account.
  • If you never used that Dropbox account with CloudUSB private data, when you are asked Do you want to initialize the private-data directory? (Only needed on new Dropbox account) answer OK: this will create the crypted folder to store your data. Set the same password as the login one!
  • reboot to have your data and private-data on and working!